Law Office of Marc D. Machtinger, Ltd.

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Welcome to the E-Trademark Stationsm!

SAVE $100 in legal fees on your
federal trademark application
(or $30 on your state registration)
by efficiently transmitting your information
to us online through our secure channels!

Learn more
Questions & Answers

What is E-Register Your Marksm?

How does this process work, and what services are included?

What costs are involved?

When do I remit payment?

Ready to Begin?


What is E-Register Your Marksm?
This is a feature designed for individuals or businesses who desire affordable legal assistance in protecting a trademark or service mark. This process allows the user to retain an experienced trademark attorney in order to receive professional advice and navigate the intricacies of the law when seeking protection. This is not a "do-it-yourself" aide. Several "do-it-yourself" services can be found on the World Wide Web in which no legal advice is provided (beware that some of these services do not include an actual filing, and fail to quote you the mandatory government filing fee). Such services can be dangerous due to numerous potential pitfalls. The expense of retaining a trademark attorney initially is minimal compared to the potential costs of correcting mistakes later. This process allows the user to save in legal fees by reading our information and efficiently transmitting information to us online, enabling us to pass on savings in fees due to time saved.

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How does this process work, and what services are included? Simply follow the 6 steps below and submit the online form to us. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. We will review your information, make sure your interests do not conflict with the interests of any of our current or previous clients, and respond by e-mail with an estimate. You will not be obligated to anything, and you will not incur any fees until you approve our estimate and return our retainer letter with your payment. Our services include review of your application by an experienced trademark attorney who will contact you directly in order to confirm and clarify your information, review your samples of use of the mark, discuss whether the strategy you are pursuing is optimal, offer advice on what the best way to file your mark would be (with or without logo, all caps, stylized, etc.), file and monitor the progress of your application, and see that your specific needs are met. For more information, feel free to Contact Us.
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Costs for filing an application for federal registration:
Our fees for a single class of goods and services:
Savings of $100 off our regular rate of $475
add $50 per class of goods and services.
If logo will be included, additional fees may apply
Mandatory government filing fee per class of goods and services:
Disbursements including Express Mail postage, copies, etc.:
Please understand that further fees will be necessary in order to respond to Office Actions from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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Costs for filing an application for state registration:
Our fees for state registration:

Includes entire registration process and review of certificate of registration for accuracy.

Savings of $30 off our regular rate of $175

Mandatory Government fee for state registration:

varies by state
$10 in Illinois

Disbursements including postage and copies:

When do I remit payment?
No initial costs are involved with submitting your request. After your information is submitted, we will contact you by e-mail to provide you with a firm estimate. You are free to either accept or decline the estimate by return e-mail. If you accept, we will forward our retainer letter to you. At that time, you can return the signed letter with your payment by check, or use our online credit card payment system. There are no hidden costs involved.

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Ready to begin? Great! Simply follow the 6 steps below and submit your information. We look forward to working with you.


Step 1: Read through our information on Trademarks.

Step 2: Please enter the following contact information:
Your full legal name:

Mr. Ms. Dr.

Mailing Address:
Telephone (day):
Confirm email:
Your capacity with the Organization you are assisting?

In-house attorney

Outside counsel

sole proprietor

Officer - specify your title:


Other - specify:

Step 3: Please enter the following information about the Applicant:

Name of individual or entity who is applying for trademark registration:
Applicant's Address:
Telephone (day):
Confirm email:

Applicant's entity type:


Sole proprietor


Not-for-profit corporation

Partnership - specify type:


Limited liability company


Other - specify:

If individual, indicate citizenship:


If a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership, indicate state and country of incorporation or organization:



Indicate full name and title (and address if different from above) of person (either the individual, corporate officer, or general partner) who will sign our engagement letter and be responsible for our billings:


Step 4: Enter the following information about the trademark or service mark:

What is the text of the mark?:

Does the mark include a logo?:

Yes No

--If yes, fax us a copy at (847) 955-9805. Include your contact information.

Describe all the goods or services provided in conjunction with the mark:

What type(s) of registration(s) do you wish to apply for (you may specify more than one)?

Federal - based on use in commerce
The mark must already be in use in either interstate or international commerce in in connection with the goods or services. Shipping to a distributor is sufficient.

Federal - based on an intent to use the mark in commerce
You must have a bona fide intent to use the mark in interstate or international commerce in connection with the goods or services.

Please specify date on which use in interstate or international commerce is intended"

Federal - based on foreign application or registration
You must have a bona fide intent to use the mark in commerce in connection with the goods or services. If based on a foreign application, you must file with six (6) months of the foreign filing date to receive the benefit of your foreign filing date.

Please enter the foreign filing date:

If the six (6) month period will expire within 2 months of the current date, please Contact Us immediately for assistance. If insufficient time remains, we may not be able to assist you in this manner.

State - based on current use within the state

Please specify the state in which the mark is currently in use in connection with the goods or services:

Please specify any additional states in which the mark is in use, and for which registration is desired:

If the mark has already been used, please provide the following:

Date of first use anywhere: (indicate the exact month, day, and year. If unknown, indicate "at least as early as" followed by an exact month, day, and year for the earliest date on which you can state with certainty that the mark was in use)

If applying for state registration, list the state and date of first use for each state in which you wish to apply:

If applying for federal registration based on use, enter date of first use in interstate or international commerce: (indicate the exact month, day, and year. If unknown, indicate "at least as early as" followed by an exact month, day, and year for the earliest date on which you can state with certainty that the mark was in interstate or international use:)

Is the mark currently registered or applied for with any state or country?:

Yes No

Would you like to request a full trademark clearance and availability search, analysis, and oral opinion? ($360 with no logo; $450 with logo)

Yes No

Please indicate your objectives and any special instructions or further information which might help us meet your needs:

Step 5: Fax or mail us a photocopy or actual sample of the mark as used on your packaging material or advertising material (for a service mark).


(847) 955-9805

Mailing Address:

Law Office of Marc D. Machtinger, Ltd.
750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 350
Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089-2073 U.S.A.

Step 6: Read this Important Notice:

The use of the E-Register Your Marksm system does not establish an attorney-client relationship until an engagement letter is signed by the attorney and client. However, your information will be kept strictly confidential. The use of the E-Register Your Marksm system does not in any way constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon to create a legally sound application for registration or portion thereof without engaging qualified counsel to review, revise, and complete the application. The applicant is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted. Inaccurate information can result in a loss of rights to a registration and criminal penalties. Use of the E-Register Your Marksm process and submission of your information is not an actual filing of an application for registration. Your information must be processed in order to create and file such an application.

Are you ready to submit your information?

Note: If you do not submit, your information will not be saved.

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